Live in the Moment
Sometimes life comes at you like a speeding bullet. Days fly by, weeks, months, years. You find yourself looking around, asking yourself "what the heck happened". After years of hard work, raising a family and taking care of others, you forget about living. Enjoying everything life has to offer. Nowadays many of us seem so engulfed in our careers and/or jobs. We tend to make work a priority, and put everything else on the back burner. Sacrificing the pursuit of our goals and enjoying life has become the norm.
What day is it?"
It's today," squeaked Piglet.
My favorite day," said Pooh.”
― A.A. Milne
I always try to live my days being grateful for everything. From the first breath I take when I wake up to the pillow I lay my head on at night. Taking the time out to acknowledge all the things I am grateful for helps me become mindful. In times of stress, or when I find myself starting to really let the little things bother me, I try to stop. Breathe, and just simply live in the moment.
“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt
Living in the moment is probably one of the best practices you can do. It helps the mind achieve a sense of peace. Taking that time out to consciously focus on the here and now has such a calming effect on you. I'm not going to lie. Sometimes I don't always practice what I preach, and I tend to get irritated with things I see or hear. Apparently, we have some ridiculous people in the world, who'd a thunk. But, being mindful of what I am currently doing at the moment allows me to fully enjoy every minute of what I am doing. And that alone brings me peace.
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Living in the moment is described as realizing the beauty in every moment, every activity. Going through life I see a lot of people focusing on what is going wrong, what they didn't or couldn't have, their luck is just the worst ever, and so on. I honestly believe that you bring in what you put out. If you are in a constant state of negativity, then guess what kind of energies you are going to attract into you life.
“You can't go back to how things were. How you thought they were. All you really have”
― Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why
Being mindful, or living in the moment, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and can help boost your immune system. By spending a few moments a day just focusing on living in the moment you can even reduce the risk of heart disease. Making this an everyday practice makes you a happier person, and this can bring you closer to finding your ZEN.
“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.”
― Groucho Marx
Ok, so here are some tips on how to live in the moment.
Tip#1: Loosen up. Stop being so uptight. Shake it out. Let your hair down. Take a deep breathe. Feel the air filling your lungs. Now dance! Yes you read correctly. Dance like no one is watching. Just do it. Don't think about how silly you look. Don't think about doing the proper steps. Let go of all your inhibitions and just go for it. Trust me, you will feel so invigorated and liberated. You won't be able to help but smile and laugh. And laughter is good for the soul.
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Tip#2: Embrace nature. If the weather permits, go outside. Go for a walk. Feel the breeze. Hear the birds chirp. If it's snowing, put on a coat and go outside. Feel the delicate snowflakes landing on your cheek or hands. Feel the snow crush under your boots. Ok, you get the idea. Just go out and be mindful of everything that is going on around you. Listen to the world. Appreciate that you are there to experience it all.
Tip #3: Stop worrying about the future. Instead, focus on the present. The here and now. And while we are on the topic, you can stop dwelling on the past as well. Both these things will prevent you from enjoying this very moment. The past is in the past. You can learn from it, but you can't change it. The future has yet to come. We don't know what it holds, but if you are stressing out about it, chances are that when it is here, you won't enjoy it either. So quit it.
“Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering”
― Ida Scott Taylor
― Ida Scott Taylor
Tip #5: Appreciate the people around you. No matter how annoying they may be, or how negative their energy is, there is a reason they are in your life. Maybe it's so you can learn something from them. Maybe they are there to help you realize that life isn't that bad. Maybe you are there to teach them how to live in the moment. Maybe they will have a huge impact on how you live your day to day. Maybe you will have that same impact on them. For whatever reason, these people were placed into your path. Appreciate the lesson they may unknowingly teach you and when it is time for them to leave, just let them go.
“We spend precious hours fearing the inevitable. It would be wise to use that time adoring our families, cherishing our friends and living our lives.”
― Maya Angelou
So there you have it. 5 simple tips that I try to go by everyday. I'm not saying it is easy. Sometimes I forget to follow them myself. But I can tell you that when you live life to enjoy every waking moment, you tend to become a bit more optimistic about things. You smile more. You laugh more. People will just want to be around you because they can sense those positive vibes just oozing off of you. So go ahead and give it a try. What have you got to lose? Just remember...
*All quotes were provided by
6:00 PM
Not Quite There Yet
Hey guys, quick weekend recap.So little man is looking a little better, but he is still fighting this nasty virus that has been kicking our butt. RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus). Needless to say, we had a pretty busy weekend trying to nurse him back to health. I am so ready for all of this to be over. Two and a half weeks is long enough, but he is a trooper.
I also got a chance to talk to my brother. Since he moved to Pennsylvania I have missed him so much. So getting a chance to talk to him every now and then is always good. He had sent us a few pictures and videos of the snow they've been experiencing up North. Seeing all that winter weather reminds me of when I used go outside with him and throw snowballs with our friends. I can't wait to take the kids up there one winter so they can have a chance to play in the snow and experience the cold weather. But for now, they are enjoying the nice Florida heat. Sunday they were able to go to the annual rodeo with their Auntie. Afterwards they enjoyed the annual fair. I have to say, living in Florida can be painful during the summer, but having warm weather almost all year round sure has its perks.
On a side note, my Facebook Jamberry Party has been doing really well. Everyone who has joined has had a lot of fun with the games, and having the chance to win some free stuff is definitely a plus. Saturday night we had a 80's trivia game and it was intense, haha. Being the 80's baby that I am, I rocked it. But those girls sure gave me a run for my money. All in all, we had a great time. Two more game days to go before the party is over. If you haven't joined a game already and want in on the fun, head over to the Not Quite Zen Jamberry Facebook Party page and click join to get the latest updates. Wednesday will be the final day of the party and the last chance you will have to order through the party page's website. If you are interested in hosting a party yourself, make sure to contact Bethany, The Sweepstakes Diva , to schedule your Facebook party and tell her that Maritza sent you.
Well, that's pretty much sums up our weekend. Nothing crazy. But I am glad little man is starting to get back to his old busy self. Things are almost getting back to normal. We aren't quite there, but we're working on it.
8:33 AM
Things My 5 Year Old Says...
My 5 year old is too funny. Sometimes I just have to sit back and really process what comes out of her mouth. This is just a fraction of what we have to deal with day in an day out.Me: "Brooke, get Bryce away from there!"
Brooke: "I'm not his mom!"
"Did you make the bathroom stinky??"
Alexis(Big Sis): "Brooke, can you get that for me?"
Brooke: "Are your legs broken? Nooooo"
Me: "Brooke! Did you just fart on my knee?!"
Brooke: (Giggling) "I'm a little bit gassy"
Me: "Why can't you just stay still?!?"
Brooke: "I am a kid! So I can't stay still!"
Me: "Here you go mami. Put these socks on."
Brooke: "Ok, i'll put them on, but I want you to know this is NOT my style."
"If you don't like it then don't do it. Just get another job already!"
"My butt is already perky"
When asked why she and her sister where fighting, Brooke responded: "Kiki is ruining my life!"
Brooke to her big sis, after her big sis didn't get her way: "So are you going to be a sour-puss now?"
Me: "What would you guys like to do this weekend"
Brooke: "Go to the Orlando Science Center"
Me: "Why do you guys always have to pick expensive stuff. Why can't you choose something cheap to do?"
Brooke: "Because mommy, cheap is NOT my style"
*Artwork provided by Lexi.
8:34 AM
Jamberry Facebook Party
Hey everyone. So I am hosting my very first Facebook party and you guys are all invited!!! Recently I partnered up with the Sweepstakes Diva to throw a Jamberry Nails party. The product looks awesome and I love the idea of having pretty nails without worrying about the kids smudging the polish before it dries completely. To be honest, I have not had my nails done in a while because of my hectic schedule. And I cannot bring myself, after a crazy day, to sit down and focus on painting my nails at home. When the kids are put to bed, the only thing I am thinking about is quality time with my hubby and/or hitting the sack for some much needed downtime.
But the fact of the matter is, I am always telling you guys how important it is to take care of yourself. So I really need to practice what I preach. Let's face it, part of feeling good is looking good. If you know you look good and that you took that extra step to do something for YOU, you are gonna feel great about it. This is going to bring you one step closer to maybe finding your ZEN.
So please join me this week on Not Quite Zen's Jamberry Facebook Party, (party is already over) and get your stylish nail wraps. There will be games and giveaways to keep the fun going throughout the week. Feel free to invite your friends and tell them not to forget to click "join" on the page to get all the updates. The more the merrier.

Check out the party to get more information on Jamberry Nails. Hope to see you there!
4:57 AM
Happy Valentines's Day
As I have said before, this week was the week of unfortunate events. The hubby and I had plans to have a fabulous night out on Friday, but we decided to stay in with our sick children. So I didn't get my lemon drops and a fancy dinner, but I did get a huge bowl of popcorn, rum and coke and a seat on my couch to watch the NBA All-Star game. So, all in all, it was not a bad night.
Valentine's Day is here and while I will agree that it has become such a commercial holiday, I still want to take this time to tell all my peeps out there: I LOVE YA! By the way, we reached over 2000 views! Thanks for reading!!!
Please enjoy some Valentine's Day inspirations...

“If you were a Transformer, you’d be Optimus FINE.”
“Good thing I brought my library card, because I’m checkin’ you out.”
“Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I skinned my knee when I fell for you.”
“Your lips are like wine, and I want to get drunk.” –William Shakespeare
“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” –Audrey Hepburn

“Love me tender; love me sweet. Never let me go.” –Elvis
“I love you more than I could ever promise because you take me the way I am.” –Ingrid Michaelson
“Love is a many splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!” –Moulin Rouge
Remember, Valentine's Day is a day for love. So, whether you are in a relationship or single, make sure you show yourself some love too. Make today a ZEN day.

*All quotes provided by
7:14 AM
Paging Dr. Mommy
:Sighs:Ok, so this week has been a tough one. 2 out of my 3 kids are sick, and the 3rd almost sliced her finger off with SAFETY SCISSORS. Yeah. I can't make this crap up.
It all started Saturday night, which probably ended up being the scariest night of our (my husband and I) lives. Little man went into a Febrile Seizure as we were leaving a birthday party. After a scary ambulance ride to the hospital and hours of being in the emergency room, they were able to bring his 104 degree fever down to 98.8 degrees. Thank The Lord everything turned out ok. But this whole week we have spent watching him to make sure his temperature doesn't go above 102 degrees. So far he has been doing good, with the exception of Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Ok, I just named almost the entire week. But really, he is doing a lot better.
My middle child has developed a really bad cough with a fever. So you know she is gonna have to go see the doctor tomorrow. I am hoping it's not Strep Throat, since that has been going around a lot lately. She is a trooper though. It is extremely hard to get her to sit still and let her body do what it needs to do.
Now my oldest, She decided she wanted to do some arts and crafts without me knowing. Then all of a sudden I hear her scream and she is hysterical with tears. Blood everywhere. Oh. My. God. I freaked out because I had no idea where the blood was coming from or why there she was bleeding in the first place. So here comes Super Mom and I swoop in to nurse her wound. Meanwhile, my 5 year old is telling her that we are going to have to pour rubbing alcohol on it and the doctor was going to chop it off because it is no good anymore. Really?!? As if my oldest wasn't freaked out enough. So Daddy and I had to do some serious damage control. Next morning, she went to the doctor so that they could patch it up since I didn't know how serious the wound was.

So basically, I would have gone to the pediatrician 3 times this week. Once for each child. They already looked at me crooked when I went the second time this week. I can only imagine the looks I'm gonna get tomorrow. Seriously, my parenting license is going to be revoked.
So this week call me "Dr.Mommy". My office is extremely busy and I have no more room for any appointments.
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2:00 PM
Rules of Engagement...NOT!
Being married for almost 8 years, I have realized that this IS NOT easy. Even when you thought you have found your soul mate, marriage if f****** hard. I'm not going to into the whole "some days are good and some days are bad". We know that. Everyone knows that. That is to be expected in ANY relationship. Of course there will be ups and downs and loop-de-loops. Nothing in this world is perfect. And that is especially true in marriage.In 2007 my husband and I decided we were going to take the big plunge. We didn't plan this lavish wedding. We didn't look for a fancy venue. I didn't get an extravagant dress. No invitations were sent out. Heck, even shopping for a ring was a spur of the moment decision. I thought, wow, this is exciting. We were just going to go for it. That morning I woke up and I couldn't wait to get to the courthouse. I mean, who wouldn't be excited? I was about to marry my best friend. We didn't need a huge party. We didn't need a fancy ceremony. All we needed was each other (and a witness of course). In my eyes, it was perfect. In the courthouse waiting area my husband and I had a blast. We joked around, and took silly pictures. It's who we are. I'm not going to lie, it would have been nice to go through the whole wedding thing, but I'm happy we took the simple route.
After all this time together, I learned a few things. Marriage is something that you have to constantly work on. Over time you find yourself losing the spark, or not putting in the effort like you used to before. Being married I have realized some things that are important to me. I sometimes tend to focus on what I can do to make him happy, but what about me? Unfortunately, guys don't think about romancing their woman. Unless you are in the beginning of a relationship, or you were just lucky to have found that rare guy that is into that kind of stuff. Arguments will happen. There will be disagreements. And, of course, you will get mad at each other. Being home now, I look at things a little bit different. I don't have a "How To" list on having a perfect marriage because you know what? My husband and I are not perfect, but I can talk from experience. Some things we are great at, and some things we are still working on. Some of you may agree with what I have to say, and some of you may not, and that is ok. Everyone has their own idea of what makes them happy, or what makes a marriage work. Here are a list of some things I think are important...
Holding hands
When you start dating, you always hold hands. Whether it be while taking a walk, driving, having dinner, or just simply sitting next to one another. Holding hands makes you feel secure. It makes me feel close to you. Even when you are upset with me or I am upset with you, don't stop holding my hand. It symbolizes our bond. We have to make that effort to keep that bond strong. There have been plenty of times when I see an old couple holding hands. I find it so cute and heartwarming to see that after all these years they still want to hold each others hand. I hope that as time passes by, my husband and I still have that connection and will keep on holding each others hand.
This is probably one of the worst things you can do. How can you even think about going forward, if you are stuck in the past? I get it. I may not have been the best person and you were really hurt by it. But if you decided that you want to move forward in the relationship then you have to let go of those hurt feelings. Constantly bringing up the past is such a dirty way to fight. There is nothing that can be done about it. No magic wand that can be waved to undo all the harm that has been done. Don't keep punishing me for my mistakes, and I won't punish you for yours. Harboring feelings of resentment can only drive a deeper wedge between you and the one you love.
Part of what got us into this relationship was our physical attraction to each other. In the beginning I did my best to look good. And I am sure he did the same for me. So even when we have been together for a while, this should still be a priority. Admit it. Everyone wants to be desired. So I want to make sure I give him something to look forward to. For the sake of your happiness, please fix yourself up. Workout. Take a shower. Get your hair done. Wear perfume or cologne. You'd want them to do the same for you, so make an effort to keep their attention. Doing all of this also makes you feel confident, and that's sexy.
We all have our flaws. No one wants a constant reminder of what they are. This will only create feelings of inadequacy. I want you to bring me up when I am down. I want you to be my pillar of strength and I want to be yours. Be that driving force behind your man or woman. Let them know that through thick and thin, you will be there.
Agree to disagree
There will be those fights where none of you will agree. You are still going to stick to your guns and so will they. That is ok. Who are we if we don't stand up for what we believe in anyway right? So understand that. Learn to let it go. It's ok if he doesn't agree with you or you don't agree with him. Don't let it become something so huge that you two won't be able to see past it.
Don't stop kissing
Kissing is super intimate. I feel it plays a huge part in showing love and desire. Sounds corny, I know. But the fact of the matter is that kissing is another thing that keeps your bond strong. It doesn't have to be a full blown make out session, but giving your man or woman a kiss everyday shows that you still have that connection. It shows me that you could not wait to get home just so you could lay one on me. And that is so important. Even when I am mad at you or you're mad at me, still kiss me. It tells me that things are ok even when we fight.
Having fun together keeps things exciting. If you stop doing things that make you laugh, make you excited, life will just get boring. Do fun and stupid things together. It gives you things to reminisce about when you guys are old and gray together. And even then, still go out and have a grand old time (yes, pun intended). Make time to go out on dates and not just dinner then rush home to go to bed. I mean really go out. Put an effort into planning an evening together. Do things that he/she likes, even when they are not your type of activity. This speaks volumes to how much you value your time out and together.
Always show appreciation
Even for the little things. I want to know that what I did mattered. I want to know that you are happy to have me around. It's not being needy. I just want to know that you appreciate what I do, just like how I show you that I appreciate everything you do. I'm not asking you to stroke my ego. But think about how you feel when I tell you that something you did was great, or how awesome you are. I want to feel that too.
Have fun with sex (sorry mom)
Have fun with sex (sorry mom)
I apologize if I am getting too personal, but sex should not be a chore. It should not be boring, or mundane. It should not be used as a tool to get what you want. It should be fun. It should be enjoyable. Don't work so much that you don't want to have sex. It is great for your connection, and is a wonderful stress reliever. Not to mention, it makes you feel extremely sexy when you know your man is so turned on by you. So always make time for sex, even if it is just a quickie. It doesn't always have to be a fully orchestrated love scene with rose petals, silk linen and R&B playing in the background (even though that does sound nice). Some of us don't have time for all of that. The important thing is that you don't put your man or woman on the back burner. Doing so can leave them feeling rejected or inadequate.
This is so important. Having that person who supports you no matter what is such a phenomenal feeling. It makes me feel like I can conquer the world. Even when I hit a wall, my man is there to help me through it and encourages me to keep on going. Supporting your man/woman is one of the best ways you can show your love for one another.
Don't emotionally distance yourself after a fight
Doing this causes communication to shut down. That doesn't solve anything. A little bit of distance is good, and its ok to walk away when things are getting too heated, but make sure you let him/her know that you still love them. It's not about caving in, or about who "lost" the fight. It's about showing that even though you did have a fight, you guys can overcome anything. Don't be stubborn about it. Sometimes admitting that maybe you were wrong or blew things out of proportion is all that is needed to make things better.
If I am feeling some type of way, then please acknowledge it. Don't chock it up to me being emotionally unstable. If I am feeling hurt or upset, then maybe, just maybe, you had something to do with it. It is unfair for you to be able to express your feelings and have me deal with them if you are not willing to do the same for me. Many times all I need is your understanding (and maybe an apology, but I know that may be asking too much).
So there you have it. Life doesn't come with instructions. Only you know what works for you and your man/woman. Just try to take things one day at a time and communicate as best as you can. My husband and I are still learning how to master it all. But you know what. I don't think you can. Once you think you have it down to a science, everything changes. So just go with the flow and enjoy one another. Do you have any suggestions/tips to add to the list? What are your "rules" of engagement?
8:30 AM
A Frozen Birthday!
The Disney movie Frozen has taken the world by storm. Little girls everywhere went crazy over the sisters from Arendelle. Elsa's song "Let It Go" became a huge hit on billboards, while driving parents absolutely mad. I can not tell you how many times I have heard that song since watching the film for the first time with my girls.
Well, this weekend, my family and I were able to celebrate an awesome birthday party where Queen Elsa and Princess Anna made a surprise appearance.
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Yes, I even got in on the action |
Cleverly held at an ice skating rink, we celebrated my cousins daughters 5th birthday. The kids had a blast. Elsa and Anna did a sing-a-long with the kids, took pictures and the best part of it all was that they even went ice skating. It was a real treat to see the characters on the ice with the kids.
The decorations were outstanding. My aunt did a great job getting it all together. If you are in the Central Florida area and looking for party decorators and/or a great cake, check out Cake Angel Creations. They do a phenomenal job. Thank you Sabrina and Vicky for throwing a cool party (pun intended). Check out some of the pictures below.
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Birthday girl with Elsa and Anna |
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The hubby and I |
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My aunts and cousin having a good time |
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My girls getting so big |
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The amazing cake |
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Great decorations |
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Beautiful party favors featuring the birthday girl |
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Happy birthday Jayla! |
8:04 PM
Ice Your Way To Beauty!
One thing that I heard when I was a young teenager is that the cold keeps you looking young. Not sure if it is true or not, but it is something that kind of stuck with me. So ever since then I would rub an ice cube on my face before going to bed. I know. It sounds crazy right? But I swear it works. My pores are tiny. The skin on my face feels nice and firm, and it makes my skin glow after I am done.
Not getting more than 4-6 hours of sleep at night (yes, little man still gets up in the middle of the night), I try to do what I can to make sure I feel refreshed and keep myself looking radiant. I don't like to spend tons of money on beauty supplies, so using something so simple as ice cubes is right up my alley. Here are several reasons why ICE CUBES should be added to your facial care regimens from
1) Use the ice cube as a makeup primer. Before applying your makeup, prep skin by rubbing an ice cube all over. This keeps the skin fresh and helps your makeup stay on longer. I am no going to lie, the cold ice shocks the crap out of you at first, but just put on your big girl panties, take a deep breath and just do it!!!
3) Too many sleepless nights? Help reduce puffy eyes by brewing green tea and freezing in an ice cube tray. Use the cube wrapped in a cloth and place under the eyes to brighten the under eye area.
4) As I mentioned before, ice cubes will help smooth your complexion, ease wrinkles, shrink pores and promote blood circulation. Just quickly rub the cube all over your face for a couple of minutes before going to bed. For younger looking skin, make ice cubes with diluted apple cider vinegar. This can unclog pores by removing oil and bacteria. Antioxidants increase blood flow and clear out toxins.
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5) Rubbing an ice cube on eyebrows while tweezing can minimize swelling, redness and pain.
6) Ice cubes can help reduce inflammation, redness and shrink acne. This makes ice cubes great for spot treatment. It is also helpful in reducing the size of acne scars.
7) You can also use them as a sunburn remedy by pouring aloe vera gel in an ice cube tray. Freeze it for instant relief from sunburn sting.
These are just a few ways you can incorporate ice into your beauty regimen. If you find the ice to be way to cold for you to bear, then, by all means, wrap it in a paper towel before applying it to your skin. Also, if you are using the ice directly on your skin, don't leave it on there too long. It can cause frost bite. I know they say "Pain is Beauty", but I don't think this is what they meant.
Do you have any beauty hacks??
10:46 AM
5 Things I want to teach my daughters
Once you become a parent, you tend to look back at your life. You think about things you've done and decisions you've made. You start to think about all the things you want to show them, and hope that you do a good job in teaching them how to be the best person they can be.Having girls nowadays is scary. You see what images are portrayed on television and the type of women the media is glorifying. As a mom, you have to make sure you stay involved in their lives and maintain that close relationship so that they feel comfortable coming to you whenever they need you.
So, as I go through this journey with my beautiful girls there are 5 things I want to make sure they learn:
1) Love your body
It's not about being skinny. It's about being healthy. I want them to understand the importance of taking care of themselves. As women, we are nurturers. We tend to take care of everyone around us and forget about the #1 person we should be taking care of. OURSELVES. Emotional, spiritual and mental health is just as important as physical health. So always make sure you take care of YOU.
Every night before going to bed, I thank God for everything. I am so thankful for my home, my family, the fact that they are safe. I am thankful for the bed I sleep in. The dinner we had. The list goes on and on. There is a lot of power in being thankful. Appreciating everything in your life, big and small, makes you realize that you may already be the richest person in the world.
3) Value Your Intelligence and Know Your Worth
Ok. This sounds like it is two different things, but they really go hand in hand. I want you to know that you don't have to follow the crowd. You have your own mind. Take pride in your intelligence and never let anyone make you feel like you are inferior. Make sure you read. Read up on anything and everything. A woman that is beautiful can get peoples attention. But there is no stopping a beautiful and intelligent woman.
4) Become Financially Independent
Financial independence ensures that you will be able to pay your own bills, buy your own clothes, pay for your own food. You shouldn't have to depend on a man to support you. It is a great thing to have a partner that will want to take care of you, but always make sure you got your own. You should always be capable of earning your own living. This makes you a strong and independent woman that can can take of herself.
5) Don't be afraid to follow your dreams
There may be times that you will fail. But don't let that stop you. Use it to fuel your ambition. Following your dreams give you the power to be innovative and inspiring. By being ambitious, you have the power to change the world, make your mark. So go ahead and dream big. It just gives you greater things to aspire to. A woman can make a difference.
I am sure this list can go on, and my husband can add another 5 himself. These are just the tip of the iceberg. Life is a never ending lesson. There WILL be mistakes along the way. But it is so important that we all learn from them. I hope my girls grow up to be confident, intelligent, ambitious, compassionate and spiritual women. I hope that, as parents, my husband and I do our best to steer them in the right direction and give them the guidance that they need to keep going. They were created for a purpose, and we are truly blessed to have them in our lives.
10:34 AM