A Blog Make-Over
Before 2014 was over, I decided that I wanted to give this blog a make-over. I wanted it to represent who I am. So I enlisted the help of my talented husband, and I think he did an awesome job. I love the way it is trendy, but simple at the same time. What do you think?Don't forget to check out my Sanity Breaks for ways to de-stress.
If you have any great ways that you like to unwind, please send them over. I would be more than happy to add them to the list. Remember, sharing is caring (I know, that was corny, but hey I am in a crazy mood right now).
Speaking of being in a crazy mood, I also decided that it was time for me to create a facebook account for Not Quite Zen. I have gone years without making an account for myself, but I felt like facebook would be a great way to get this blog out there. So hopefully I made the right choice.

Please check out my page and like, share, follow and whatever else there is to do in the world of facebook. It is still really new, so feel free to help me make it fabulous by adding comments.
9:00 AM
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